Sharing with our “larger community”… this blog post marks another exciting milestone in the evolution of the Sibling Support Groups, offered through the Special Needs Information Groups For Families (SNIFF). Since their inception in 2004, Sibling Support Groups have been offered primarily through the communities of Langley BC. Well over 100 families have participated, brining hundreds of children and their parents together to create meaningful experiences in small communities.
Now, after many years of hearing requests to host Sibling Support Groups in other communities, we have built this website to bring that vision to life. We believe that through this website, potentially THOUSANDS of families effected by the challenges and rewards of raising a child with special needs may become united through this unique family enhancement experience.
We look forward to building strong community partnerships with agencies, schools, and other service providers throughout the Province of BC, as we know that working together, we can make miracles happen.
Welcome to this next phase in our journey…we hope you’ll join us for more!